Ice Carousel 2017 Challendge


Over the weekend we had our Adult Family Christmas / WinterFest Party and My Brother had seen online this concept of sawing a circle in the cie to create a floating ice island persay… SO he challendged my brothers and sisters to recreate this as he lived on the lake and it was being held at his place this year. And it WORKED!  Two of my brothers starting cutting thru the 14″ of ice at 3 pm and by 5: 30 pm they had the 20 ft circle { island} spinning.

For more description on photo details, Live action video’s etc… see here

The start of the Ice Carousel aka Floating Island Challendge

about half way thru……

and the final results 🙂

The Hockey Rink, Food Set-Up with Grill, Smoker, Dutch Oven, Firepit etc…

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